Star Trek (Gordon Currie)

This trading card set published by Gordon Currie shows a copyright date of 1968 on the back of the cards, but the cards didn’t appear until the late 1980s. This set of 8 cards was distributed as a complete set. The Trading Card Database website reports that Gordon Currie’s signature was placed on these cards but they were not actually drawn by him.
Links to more information about Star Trek (Gordon Currie) set
Collectible Resource ArticleMemory Alpha Set PageJeff Allender’s ChecklistTrading Card Database Set Page
Released Cards per Pack Production Run Card Size Manufacturer Country
1968 8 5,000 Sets 1¾” x 3⅝” Gordon Currie United States

Complete Set

Capt Kirk
Star Trek Gordon Currie Capt KirkSpock
Star Trek Gordon Currie SpockDr. McCoy
Star Trek Gordon Currie Dr McCoy
Star Trek Gordon Currie SuluCheckov
Star Trek Gordon Currie ChekovUhura
Star Trek Gordon Currie Uhura
Janice Rand
Star Trek Gordon Currie Janice RandEnterprise
Star Trek Gordon Currie Enterprise